a stone wall with vines growing on it

Prep Your Garden This Fall for a Blooming Spring Surprise

Plan Your Garden Layout

Fall is the perfect time to plan your garden layout for spring. Take a stroll around your garden space, and envision where you’d like to see bursts of color or rows of veggies. Whether you go for structured beds or a wildflower approach, make your choices now so you can hit the ground running next season.

Prep Your Soil

Good soil is the foundation of any thriving garden. During the fall, take the time to enrich your garden bed with compost and organic matter. This not only nourishes the soil but also helps it retain moisture—a real boon for your spring garden. Remember, happy soil equals happy plants!

Plant Fall Bulbs

Planting fall bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses ensures early spring blooms that will make your neighbors green with envy. Digging holes and tucking them in before the first frost means you are setting the stage for a stunning show when warm weather returns.

Consider Cover Crops

If you want to give your garden an extra boost, consider planting cover crops such as clover or rye. These crops improve soil health, prevent erosion, and suppress weeds. Plus, they add a little green to your otherwise frosty garden landscape.

Water and Mulch

Fall weather can be unpredictable, and your garden still needs love! Make sure you are watering new plantings, especially if it’s dry. Add a generous layer of mulch to protect the roots from cold snaps and to preserve moisture. This extra effort will pay off big time come spring.


Being proactive in the fall makes for a stress-free, blooming spring garden. Plan your garden layout, enrich the soil, plant those bulbs, consider cover crops, and don’t forget to mulch. Your future self will thank you, and your garden will be the envy of the neighborhood! Happy gardening!